4 Quotes & Sayings By Patricia Morais

Patricia Morais is a researcher and author of the acclaimed book, The Gift of Colors: The Secret to Deeper Relationships and Happier Life. Patricia has been a professional writer and researcher for over twenty years. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Psychology from the University of California at Davis and did post-graduate work at the University of California at Berkeley.

Banshee cries?”“ You know, those creatures that cry really loud when someone from an important Irish family is about to die? Patricia Morais
When you say you’re a fan of the gore, what do you mean?”“ The all supernatural bunch, love. The scarier the merrier. Patricia Morais
But that’s what makes it so fun! Life is scary. So why wouldn’t we enjoy and make fun of that fear? It’s like life is trying to makes us fear it, and on this day we just mock its attempts and say ‘no, not today, today I’m not scared of anything you throw at me'. Patricia Morais